Glorifying God Through Apparel


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About Us

The "Redeemed" are God's children/His special possession who were won back at a very high cost. Jesus, The Son of God, walked on this earth for 33 long years (the 33 and center of us being RED33MED) performing many miracles, signs and wonders. The death of Jesus on the Cross pays the price of a ransom, releasing those who believe in Him from the bondage to sin and death, while freeing them into Eternal Life. The mission of RED33MED is “To give God glory and to spread the Gospel by allowing our brand to initiate faith based conversations.” Psalm 107:2 says “Let the Redeemed of the LORD say so.” Some versions say, “...tell their story,” and that’s what we pray that wearing this brand will allow you to do. To "Tell Your Story" and to “Say So” boldly and with confidence!